“May 1st” International Labor Day

“May 1st” International Labor Day is a holiday for workers, and it is also a struggle holiday for TekMax.
During this “May Day” holiday, TekMax’s strugglers gave up the opportunity to reunite with their families. They worked hard to overcome the impact of the construction period caused by the epidemic, chose to stick to the front line of the project, seized time to catch up with the progress, and made every effort to promote the project’s progress with practical actions. They adhere to the original intention of TekMax Technology for high-quality delivery, use the concept of “doing the work well, and there will have work to do” to help high-quality projects, and use sweat to present gifts to the May 1st Labor Day. Grasp the project construction progress.


During the May 1st period, the Uxun project is running at full capacity and preparing for the war. On the premise of continuous safe and civilized construction and epidemic prevention and control, the construction is organized in strict accordance with the construction schedule to ensure that the project is delivered on time.
Entering the Weizhi project, all the staff of the front-line project department is on duty to seize the construction period. At the construction site, the hoisting of the smoke exhaust pipe and the construction of the PVC floor are being carried out.

Similarly, Mengniu, Yikang, Meihua, and other project sites are also busy. At present, these projects have entered the final stage. At each project site, the acceptance and equipment installation and commissioning work are being carried out simultaneously, and construction personnel is scattered everywhere. In addition, several projects in the entry stage are also in intensive preparations.

Post time: May-06-2022